Supporting & Donating to MCHS

Become an annual member!

Annual memberships come at many different levels starting with the Copper level at $25. (See the Membership page). Annual memberships help keep the museum open by covering a good portion of our operating expenses; ensuring that we can be open and ready for the many visitors that come in each day! Visit our membership page for more information or become a member right away with our printable membership form.

Donate! Donations also help us with our operating expenses and other projects. Even the smallest donations add up and help MCHS continue our mission of preserving Martin County history and presenting it for all to see! Donations can be sent to us through the mail or can be sent online through our friends at MightyCause: Donate Now!

Donate Online to the Mchs!

Please use the widget below if you are interested in making an online donation to the Martin County Historical Society. All donations, both small and large, are greatly appreciated!

Artifact Donations!

MCHS is always looking for pieces of Martin County history that help tell another story or paint a picture of what life was once like in our fair county. While we cannot accept everything due to space and relevance issues MCHS will take in what we feel are artifacts of good physical quality, that are from or about Martin County, that we don’t already have a copy or multiple copies of, and that we feel will fit in to our displays and accurately portray Martin County’s past. So please if you have something you think we could use bring down to the museum. MCHS staff will help determine if the item meets our requirements and if so they will bring the objects to the Board of Directors at the next monthly meeting where a vote will be held on each item. MCHS staff will notify you shortly thereafter about the fate of each object. Be a part of the preservation effort!

Support our Sponsors!

Supporting those who support MCHS is a great way to support MCHS and the local economy on a daily basis! Check out our Sponsors page, our tri-annual newsletter, and our MCHS Calendars to see which local business are supporting MCHS and the preservation of our history!

Visit the Pioneer Museum 

Come on down to the museum and take a look around. It doesn’t matter if you have never been here before or you are a regular stop on down to the museum. Whether for a couple of minutes or for a whole day the Pioneer Museum promises to deliver something new each time you visit. Look around at the many displays, chat with the staff, utilize the research library, and bring friends! Learn more about our wonderful county! We are open Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:30pm.


MCHS can always use volunteers for our various events, projects, and tours. There are several different volunteer opportunities available ranging from newsletter folding to participating in our Ghost or Walking tour as an actor or guide. Any and all types of help are needed and are much appreciated!

Leave a Legacy!

Plan ahead and put the MCHS into your will or estate. For more information on how your donations can leave a lasting legacy check out our helpful brochure!